Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Can't you just imagine the tumbleweeds blowing in the breeze?

OK, I've been a bit absent from this blog lately. Primarily because we just haven't done anything interesting. Which is good in a way: we're getting into a rhythm of the everyday, although it does mean that things are a little boring! My routine is usually looking after a toddler, partying while he naps (which usually means taking a nap, myself!) and doing ballet classes on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings (I will hopefully be on pointe by the end of the month! Woo hoo! Words cannot express how excited I am by this!). 

Our weekends have often included just taking the toddler to different playgrounds. I've been getting ideas from this link here as to where to try, and we haven't been too disappointed! These playgrounds have all just been amazing! Although I am hoping to do something a bit more exciting this weekend. I was thinking of getting an idea from here.

It's the beginning of Summer here, and I'm still adjusting to: 1) it being Summer in June, 2) Summer being here but Christmas not, and 3) people finishing school for the year/graduating in the middle of the year! As well as the driving, I feel like I'm in backwards-land or something! None of it makes sense to me! 

My mum's coming to visit for a week in a few weeks which I'm very much looking forward to! I have bouts of homesickness which make me want to curl into the foetal position and cry for a bit. But then the toddler would think I'm weirder than I already am, so I usually just cry internally. LOL.

I've also made a little group of friends which is nice and even nicer for the toddler who isn't in daycare or anything. It's a relief for me to have him socialise and to see the same people sometimes. He'll be two in September which is rushing up! I can't believe how quickly that's gone. I was going through our TinyBeans calendar last night, and things that happened a year ago seem like yesterday! We took him to Toys R Us the other weekend (Robert wanted to take him to a toy store for some reason), and the place was amazing. We got stuck for a while when the toddler jumped in and "test drove" a few electric cars. The struggle was getting him out of there without buying anything. Needless to say... he didn't walk out empty-handed. Sigh...

I have also been researching more schools as the competition for spots in good schools is always on the back of my mind. 

Anyway, as boring as our life is, I thought I'd check in here to say that we're not dead! I hope to have something more interesting to post about next time!


1 comment:

  1. Some of those places on the SFGate site look interesting! Love the look of the "Camera Obscura", and Belden Place looks cool, too.


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