Sunday, March 20, 2016


I can't believe we've been here for a month!!! How time flies! CRAAAAAZY! So much has happened in that time: we got here, got an apartment, bought a car, I've taken up ballet, the toddler is doing well and is settling in pretty well, we've met a few people and Robert's managed to set up bank accounts, insurance, phone numbers, internet and all those logistics, as well as his work! It's been a crazy month, but it's been fun so far. 

Please excuse the terrible phone photos taken from the car! Haha...

I hate to admit it, but having a car has meant that we've been able to explore a bit more. The Bay Area, as it's so called, is strange compared to Sydney in that it's basically made up of lots of little cities. Drive for 20 minutes, and you're out of San Francisco, essentially. This has taken a bit of getting used to coming from a city that is about the size of the Bay Area. Sydney, however, encompasses a CBD and many surrounding suburbs. There aren't really suburbs here; just these little cities. We drove for about half an hour one way yesterday to an awesome playground. It's amazing how different the area felt compared to San Francisco, even though it wasn't that far away.

I think Robert's getting more used to driving. He's enjoying driving a manual car again. Sigh... I haven't even tried yet. People here don't seem to pay much heed to road rules (even less than they do in Sydney!), and they sort of just do whatever the heck they want. Which is scary when a lot of the roads here are HUGE. They're 6-8 lanes wide and there are overpasses all over the place! Sydney could really do with some similar roads, but I couldn't imagine getting them into place now! So anyway, I'm not sure when I'll get around to driving... when I get over my anxiety, I guess. It has been fun, however, to have the feeling of exploring. I'd lived in Sydney my whole life and knew it like the back of my hand. I thought I'd be much more anxious living in a completely unknown city, but I'm actually really enjoying it: seeing new things, new landscapes, architecture. It's definitely an adventure.

Talking to a few new friends, also, has really encouraged me/us to do a bit of travel in our time here (however long that's going to be!). Which is ironic since I never intended on coming to this country, let alone living here and seeing more of the country! But it sounds too good to pass up. So I look forward to that in the nearish future, also. It's exciting to think of the possibilities this change has given us. :-) 

I'm sure I had more to say, but I'm sleepy and kind of just want to sleep. Thanks for reading, all!


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