Sunday, September 25, 2016

SF Life Continues...

I haven't updated this blog for a while. Mainly because I've just been busy with other things, primarily trying to put together a design portfolio! Which I'm excited to say is gradually coming along. 

Anywho, SF life has been rather boring and unblog-worthy lately. Although the weather (for me) has been horrendous. Although Autumn (or "Fall") has just begun here, SF has a late Summer; its warmest months are September and October (apparently). So just as I thought Summer was over, it warms up. I'm pining for colder weather, especially since we moved here as Summer was about to begin and it was still going in Sydney. 

BUT ANYWAY, enough weather whinging, in the past couple of weeks, Mr Toddler turned two. (Obviously) it was his first birthday we've celebrated here. We didn't do anything major (I refused to organise another party this year after he had a Christening and a birthday party last year!), but he did get lots of presents and we took him to the zoo as it has everything he likes there: a train and animals. LOL. I also skipped a ballet class to make him a train cake from the Aussie Women's Weekly kids' cake cookbook that I think every Australian knows of! 

Today, however, we took him for ANOTHER little steam train ride. There are so many here, which is great because he loves them! They're also cheap, which is also great! This one was in Berkeley which is about a 20 minute drive from SF over the Bay Bridge (the Golden Gate Bridge's less famous sister (or brother?)). A friend in my ballet class suggested it to us. It was at the end of a really lovely drive and up a small mountain, so we got some amazing views along the way. From one point you could really see the whole of SF; it was pretty awesome! 

I think we'll probably be back here, as long as Mr Two likes trains. Aside from it being cheap, it's not in the middle of another big park or amusement place. It's just this little steam train service/place at the top of a mountain. LOL. And it just makes for a simple outing. We went on two rides as the ride itself is only 12 minutes long. It takes you through some nice forestry, and... that's about it! It was nice to have an outing where we didn't need to pay heaps to get into a place and/or do lots of things. It was simply just a little train ride that our toddler enjoyed. Dad, if you're reading this, Robert's thinking of taking you here when Mum, Erika and I go to the ballet! :-) I think you'd really enjoy it! (My family will be here over Christmas, which I'm very much looking forward to!)

Anyway, I have some more everyday-life posts to make here, which people seemed to enjoy last time. So hopefully I'll update this blog again soon! Sorry for the silence!


If you're my friend on Facebook, you may have seen this picture, but there are some amazing views on the drive to/from the train! You can see the WHOLE of SF. Straight ahead is the city and the Bay Bridge. On the right is the Golden Gate Bridge. :-) I made Robert stop the car so I could get out and get a shot! :-) 

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