Sunday, July 10, 2016

Children's Museum AKA our Second Home!

I wanted to update more often this week, but we've been so busy with Mum here that I haven't really had the chance! It's going to be a bummer when she leaves tomorrow; it's been great having someone else to hang out with the toddler! LOL. Oh, and of course it's been lovely to see my Mum. =P Anyway, we've done so much this week, and it's been pretty fun to spend a week doing tourist-y things. We took her to the kids' museum at the beginning of the week as it's easily accessible from our place and we're there all the time, anyway (some of the people working there know me, already). I guess it deserves its own post here as it's awesome. There isn't really anything like it in Sydney. There really should be! The place promotes creativity and innovation in kids, and for the toddlers, there's a great play space where they can just roam free. I update our TinyBeans calendar on a daily basis, so Mum's seen many photos and videos of us there, so it was funny for her to be there in person! 

We actually went on the carousel as well. It stands in the museum grounds (along with a playground, bowling alley, ice skating rink and diner). The toddler had a great time, and (for some reason) we were given a second ride! 

I've been short on the words recently. So, again, here are some pictures!

Some decoration inside the museum. It's a great place for kids of all ages.


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