I cannot sleep. This is our last night here; the time has come for us to say goodbye to the city and country that I have called "home" for all of my 32 years! I have never lived anywhere else before, so this change is huge for me! I also don't cope with change very well... whose silly idea was this, anyway?!?! Heh...
Husband handed in the keys to our old place yesterday, and he handed back the car we'd been using for the past few months tonight (we haven't owned a car for years, now, but that's a completely different story). We are virtually homeless. And it's a bit sad seeing some of our old belongings just left out on the street. :-( That being said, I won't be sad to say goodbye to this small hotel room and its uncomfortable bed.
I will miss my family a lot. And it dawned on me yesterday that I may very well be rather lonely over there for a while. My sister took me out for a couple of sisterly outings this week which was awesome. It was great to have sister time, but also great to have some baby-free time: something I won't get much of once we're over there since we don't know anyone/won't have a babysitter! Eek!
Anyway, I suppose I should try to get some sleep as we have a crazy 24 hours ahead of us! (I am NOT looking forward to another 13 hour flight with a toddler.) Farewell to you, Sydney. You have been an awesome home, and I was lucky to grow up in some special areas. I'll miss you a lot, but I definitely think it's time for a new adventure in a new land for me and my little family.
It's hard for us your family! Dad and I remember the last time we were at the airport to see you! We love you, Robert and Nathaniel sooooo much and ........look forward to seeing you soon in your new home in San Francisco! Xoxox